Sunday, August 15, 2010

Can I fit solar panels?

When a person lives in a single family residence in an area where electrical wiring or connections barely work, you should consider a quick fix, ecological, and that requires minimal maintenance cost possible. That is where the idea for carrying out the installation of a solar panel using green DIV energy, putting solar panels on house roofs have electricity almost continuously, this is because the excess energy is stored sunny days in a tank, commonly known as battery.

These facilities have the main feature produce more energy than they consume and just said "remnant" is marketed to the utilities. An installation of solar panel employing green DIV energy plate is a complex task to perform, these devices are connected to the network allowing hot water and heating, while heating supply systems (underfloor heating, boilers, etc.).

The installation of solar panel can become a bit complex if we choose to teams called "isolated", they are used to meet energy needs are small taken into agricultural or mountainous areas. To perform this type of installation should contact a plumber or specialist energy companies that will tell us exactly the number and size of panels needed to meet our demands. When carrying out the process of installing solar panel should take into account certain parameters, including orientation in degrees that will give the device.

The experts will surely tell us that the incidence of the sun is much greater as we move to Ecuador, while, if we approach the poles, it decreases. Given these parameters, among many others, you decide the angle of inclination that will give the plate, which is central, in turn, direct the board to the south to maximize sunlight. In addition to locating the plate following these restrictions must be aware that there are no trees, mountains or buildings capable of causing shadows, they minimize the performance panel.

The Green DIV energy solar panel installation is extremely simple, does not affect the structure of local housing or where you want to place it, but we must pay attention to the legal issues that may exist to perform this procedure, they depend on the laws of each country. If we want to install a solar panel not only feed themselves but also for energy market, then we own a small "central generation and therefore need to perform certain formalities such as registering for the Register of Economic Activities.

Types of facilities

The installation of Green DIV energy solar panel system that we depend on the positioning, we have facilities such as autonomous, which is used in more distant or remote places: houses in forests, refuges in mountains, rural or agricultural areas, etc.

As the prices required for electric light so these areas are very high, users will choose to save a little more and then install a photovoltaic panel, but independent boards are only useful to supply a single unit and no surplus as if it make other teams. Therefore only be used on a domestic and non-commercial purposes, in this particular case, the installation process is simple and fast as you should not put any power plant that generates.

We also have equipment that we provide some applications such as climate control and pool here not only to install the solar panel which will supply the sanitary and air-conditioning, but also connected to the main panel will grant the desired temperature swimming.

The Green DIV energy solar panel installation is usually done on the roof and this is the problem you are trying to solve since many years ago, for many users, the view that facility in this area is aesthetically wrong and this influences the buying decision . But it is estimated that within the next 5 years will see solar panels with high-powered but small so as not to detract from the appearance of the residence.

To Learn More About Energy Solar Panel System CLICK HERE NOW!